Free Wallpaper For Desktop

Posted by yoshie Saturday, January 12, 2013 0 comments

Free Wallpaper For Desktop Detail
A personal wiki is a wiki maintained primarily for personal use.
 Personal wikis allow people to organize information on their desktop or mobile computing devices in a manner similar to community wikis, but without the need for collaboration by multiple users.

Personal wiki software can be broadly divided into multi-user wiki software with personal editions, and those wiki applications that are designed only for single users, not depending on a database engine and a web server.
The first class includes wiki applications such as MoinMoin or TWiki, as these can be installed for standalone use as well.
This may require installing additional software, for example a web server, a database management system, or a WAMP/LAMP software bundle. Nevertheless, this does not mean the wiki must be accessible to outside users.
Some personal wikis are public but password-protected, running either on their own webservers or hosted by third parties. This has the advantage that the personal space can be accessed and edited from any computer or PDA with a web browser. Desktop wallpaper originated way back in the 1980′s when wallpaper was dos green tiles that populated a computer screen after entering hibernation mode. Since that time, wallpaper has grown to be one of the most popular items online. A browser search of desktop wallpapers will provide results of over 60 million sites offering some type of wallpaper.
Free Wallpaper For Desktop
Free Wallpaper For Desktop
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Free Wallpaper For Desktop
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Free Wallpaper For Desktop


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